GPRS Data-Logger
Main Specifications
relative humidity 40-98%
ambient temperature from -30 to +50 ºC
IP54 Protection Class
Data sending period from 1 hour
Battery life-time: 8 years (3.6W)т
Displacement modem recording
External magnetic field influence recording
Output power: Class 4 – 2 Watts
Class 1 – 1 Watts
GPRS Class 10/8 data transfer with TCP / IP protocol support, CSD supportweight 0.4 kg
dimensions (modem): 121x106x46 mm
Mobile application support
Convenient installation on the meter
Obtaining energy consumption data and additional technological parameters from gas or water meters to automate metering, balancing and providing data to billing and monitoring services, in accordance with the applicable energy accounting rules.
Key Features:
- GPRS data-logger for gas meters of G1.6 to G10 available in modifications: ELSTER, SAMGAZ, METRIX, Pietro Fiorentini, Octave, and others, with an integrated or remote counter pulse sensor. Has explosion-proof execution for 1 or 2 zones with appropriate marking;
- GPRS modem TKB for water meters with protection level IP54 or IP67 (execution W0 and W2 respectively);
- GPRS TKB modem for water meters with an integrated absolute sensor, with protection level IP54 or IP68 (execution W1 and W3 respectively);
- By special order GPRS modem TKB for water meters (TKBV) can be made with the possibility of external power supply, as well as with the possibility of remote control of the shut-off valve.
Main Benefits
- Receives pulse signals from the pulse sensor of the meter.
- Sums up the volume in operating measurement according to the data obtained from the meter and transmits to the server the data collection via GPRS channel in the given scenario.
- Accumulates and stores hourly (64 days), daily (128 days), monthly (32 months) archives.
- Accumulates and stores for 128 days information about emergency situations.
- Accumulates information about changes to the GPRS configuration of the TKB modem.
- Records the attempts to influence on the meter with a magnet (date, time of start and end of the magnet).
- Has the ability to remotely modify the connection log and transmission volume.
- Provides data on status, battery level and battery life, GSM signal level
- Trace modem removal from the meter.
- Meets the requirements of the technical regulations of radio equipment from 24.05.2017 № 355 and has a Certificate of Conformity for № 1О094.007120-19 from 28.05.2019.
- Meets the requirements of the technical regulations of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of 28.12.16 № 1055 (Module B (type examination) and module E) (conformity to type based on product quality assurance) and has marking: II 2G Ex ib IIA T4 Gb.
- To get consumer information through HasGas personal account